
Hi. I am Michał. I come from Poland. I work as a programmer of mobile applications. I started my programming adventure in high school in 2014 with programming in Java. Then I got to study at the Bialystok University of Technology, majoring in Computer Science. I have always been turned on by mobile applications and wanted to expand my knowledge in this direction. Hence, in 2018 I started my commercial work writting mostly Android applications. Through all the years of working in IT, I have come a long way trying different technologies such as Android (Java), iOS (Swift), Django Rest Framework, Flutter and many more that are not worth mention now. Currently I focus on working in the last of them - Flutter. Despite so many years spent on programming, I still feel the passion that accompanied me when I wrote my first line of code. This blog will be a record of my experiences in learning new technologies, as well as sharing the secrets of the knowledge that I have already acquired.

Besides programming, my hobbies include: reading books, personal development, finance and gym.

I hope you will enjoy my articles! :)

You can find me on ✨